Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee House

On December 7, 2020, Columbia College formally dedicated the Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee House, the new home of the Ousley Family Veterans Service Center.
Pictured: George Ousley ’78 and Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee ’78 during a previous visit to Columbia College
Honoring an American Hero: Watch the formal dedication and birthday celebration.
In the News: Read stories published about Brig. Gen. McGee.
Celebrate: Download a Red Tails paper airplane.
Tour of the Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee House
Veterans United Foundation gives $25,000 to the Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee House
About the Space
At nearly 2,000 square feet, the Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee house triples the space of the previous OFVSC location in Missouri Hall and provides the college’s military and veteran student community a dedicated gathering space to talk, study and network. The McGee House is located at 904 N. Eighth Street, on the north side of campus.
For more information on the Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee House, home of the Ousley Family Veterans Service Center, please download the brochure.
Support Military Service and Education
Your support is greatly appreciated. About your gift:
- All gifts of $500 or more will be included on a special plaque
- Gifts of any size will be recognized on a list that will be kept in the Brig. Gen. Charles E. McGee House, home of the Ousley Family Veterans Service Center
- Notification of gifts of any size will be sent to the McGee and Ousley families
- Pledges can be paid up to five years
For additional naming opportunities, please click here.